Join me as I try to be a Ninja, talk about martial arts, food, rave & rant and just think of all the about cool stuff of life

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Financial Crisis

My uncle works at wall street... so he's been pretty down and out. I'm real close to that uncle of mine, I don't like to see him so stressed out all the time. I keep telling him he should've just joined the military instead of that kinda market... I mean, he can't live without all the stress anyway... and in the military you'll get that kinda high from being under pressure and stress anyway, so I mean- what gives? I would so totally join the military if everyone wasn't so against me with it. :( Anyway uncle Brian- I love you! Good luck!

Mmm.. doesn't Karma Kula look like a serious epic that needs serious attention? I am so drooling waiting for it to come out. I wish the Ninjai Gang would update us on it soon. Anyway it's nearly christmas. Omg. It is nearly christmas... so I'm looking forward to the christmas cards the Ninjai Gang always sends out.

Hi. I am Ninjai's little bird, and I approve of this post.

Damn all this financial crisis going on throughout the world yeah..

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