Join me as I try to be a Ninja, talk about martial arts, food, rave & rant and just think of all the about cool stuff of life

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Rain rain rain

I feel kinda guilty. I've been playing games all day.. different games... my latest one was this Ninjai Gang game.. wait.. did they ever really make like official games?

It's been raining and raining all day here. Nothing much interesting happened.

I'm going to talk about my pet ... or my many ones anyway. The first one was Thumper. He was a cute little gray sweetheart like this dudey, and the smartest and best pet rabbit I've ever had. My cousin gave him to me for my birthday. Wasn't much bigger than my 7 year old's hands put together. He was extremely intelligent and clean- he got his house all sectioned out, and he figured out how to escape from his house and ate all my mom's dahlia plants haha! He knew how to climb steps, never peed or bit anyone, and knew "Come", "Kiss", "sleep". He was.. awesome. :) in a way better than this fellow:

:) and so.. will continue... since I had many more rabbits..

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