Join me as I try to be a Ninja, talk about martial arts, food, rave & rant and just think of all the about cool stuff of life

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I am sick of taking antibiotics. My tongue is tasting weird, I feel kinda nauseous and it's just.. bleh. At least it's not swine flu
It's beautiful and windy now but it's been real hot all day. Yesterday we had a huge thunderstorm and rain after one of our hottest days this summer. The thunder and lightning crashed down heavily with the rain- and it was a huge welcome. I wanted to lie out on the beach and get rained on.
I've been thinking about harvesting ohas all day...

On a side note, the huge trees out in our front yard are growing back some leaves now. They've got all these beautiful green leaves sprouting out of their branches. It's really refreshing to look at them.

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