Join me as I try to be a Ninja, talk about martial arts, food, rave & rant and just think of all the about cool stuff of life

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


1. Price is around the same amount as a pedigree dog or cat
2. Non-allergenic in most cases
3. Clean and odor-free
4. No fleas
5. They are about the size of a medium sized dog
6. Long life span (12-20 years)
7. Non-destructive, unlike a puppy
8. Quickly trained: litterbox, tricks, walking harness, etc.
9. Low maintenance: annual vet visit, generally stronger immune system than a dog or cat
10. Intelligent, Social, and Communicative

I've always wanted a pet pig like that.. but of course I've never had one.. and probably never will. Oh well. I've always wanted a pet tiger too. But a horse would do, actually. I just have to get myself a huge track of land and some nice horses.

Don't forget to check out Mystic Warrior. The 2nd chapter is bound to come out in a few days.

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